Faithful Praying and Physical Healing

So much wisdom here… need to repost it. What Faith really is about.

Arinuck ptl

I just read the beautiful post of Randy Alcorn on Blueprint of Life, and honestly? I was really, really impressed.

It’s all I’m hearing lately, everyone emphasizing one’s lack of faith or perseverence in prayer if/when God doesn’t offer physical healing to the uncurable illnessed. I was just so thrilled to discover the treasure of heavenly blessings we are to live in, promised as they already are (Ephes.1.3)


Being a Christian, praying and learning how to pray constantly, eagerly hearing advices, here and there, how to do it better, why some of my prayers went unanswered, or having received an undesired or not so pleasant answer. Having the hard task to deliver bad news almost each day, it’s so hard to keep believing in God’s miracles, or even expecting Him to do a miracle, since all I see, day by day, is His sovereign decision NOT to…

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4 thoughts on “Faithful Praying and Physical Healing

  1. I have read somwhere that the definition of fate in God it is when a man are hanging over the abyss and pray the Lord to help and the Lord answer is “Just drop it and hand it over to me”.

    • Gândim la fel în privința asta. Provocarea vine când unii, apropiați, îşi permit aroganța (iertată-mi fie îndrăzneala) de a pune egal între credință şi vindecarea fizică, cu toate implicațiile teribile care decurg din frecventa ipostază a celui nevindecat de boală incurabilă… suferință cumplită a sufletului.

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